#002 Summer 2021: Harm Reduction + Healing is OUT now!
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Can I Participate?
Yes!! If you are Queer, Transgender, Black, Indigenous and/or a Person of Colour (QTBIPOC) and a youth between the ages of 16-30 residing in the traditional, ancestral, and unceded Indigenous lands now known as British Columbia, Bloom was made for people just like you!
What can I submit?
We welcome your creative work! This can look like illustrations, photography, poetry, creative writing, music, short films, dance, or whichever media and language you wish to express yourself through. Up to 6 artists will be accepted this issue and up to 2 submissions are allowed per artist.
We will not be accepting submissions that are racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Black, ableist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, fatphobic, or generally disrespectful towards members of the community.
Additionally, we encourage original materials to be used towards submissions. We will not be accepting plagiarized and appropriated content. Any materials used as inspiration towards any of the submissions should be appropriately credited and cited. We maintain high levels of respect for the work produced by existing QTBIPOC artists and insist folks do the same.
File Formats
Images (including photography, illustrations, paintings, etc)
JPEG/PNG, approx 2000x2000 pixels at 300 DPI (or higher)
Creative Writing
PDF, 500 words or fewer in length
MP3, up to 5 minutes in length
Youtube/Vimeo Link, up to 5 minutes in length
**For transparency purposes we will only be using the submissions towards Bloom Zine Collective and its associated promotional materials. We will not profit off, recirculate, or reproduce the works submitted beyond this purpose. All work submitted to Bloom will be adequately credited to the original author.
A one-time honourarium will be issued for all accepted submissions
$100 CAD to 5 featured artists
$200 CAD to 1 artist who will be used for our BLOOM: #002 SUMMER 2021 Cover
If selected for the Harm Reduction + Healing issue, we will contact you via email for further details. Honouraria will be issued through Direct Deposit, this would require you to have a void cheque ready from your bank and provide your full name and address.
#002: Summer 2021
❀ What does harm reduction mean to you? What does it look and feel like in practice?
❀ How do community care and harm reduction intersect?
❀ How do our identities and experiences inform our relationships with healing and growth? (e.g. race, gender, class, community, social connection, etc.)
❀ How does our understanding of substances and medicine (from our identities, cultures, or ancestors) compare to a colonial understanding of substances and medicine?
❀ What would we like to see within our communities to create more inclusive and safer spaces which encourage healing and liberation for those of us with relationships to harm?
These guiding questions are examples of what submissions could focus on but you are free to explore anything under the topic of harm reduction and healing within ourselves and our communities.
If you have an idea for a submission that is not one of the mentioned prompts or if you have any questions about Bloom or the submission process, please reach us at bloom.yvr@gmail.com